This isn’t the first time we’ve blogged about our Historypin page. We’ve recently taken the time, however, to add a number of new features to our Historypin Channel. In addition to over 200 new photos, we’ve added a number of site-specific moving image files from the 1920s to the 1970s!

One of our summer interns, Jesse Cumming, identified 200+ photos to add to our Historypin Channel. He also created a couple of unique “Tours” (click on the “Tours” tab to view). The first is called Vancouver in Motion and collects all our newly added moving image clips. The second, A 360° trip down Burrard, brings together photographs from the City of Vancouver Transportation Division, to create a tour down Burrard St. from Broadway to Hastings, showing 360° views of intersections along the way. After helping the Archives to ‘pin’ the photos in Jesse’s A 360˚trip down Burrard to Google Street View, our volunteer Kristine was inspired to create a tour of one of her favourite neighbourhoods, so you can also enjoy her tour: A “Drive” Through the Past.

Feel free to take a look for yourself at the nearly 800 items we have to explore on Historypin. And maybe trying pinning a few of your own photos!