On January 1st, the copyright expired for some of our holdings: they are now in the public domain in Canada. These materials may now be legally reproduced and used for any purpose. Here’s a quick look at some of the images, maps, and documentary art that have become easier to re-use.
Mary Lewina Henley was born in 1901 and lived at 1933 Robson St., near Stanley Park, until 1926. A label on the back of the frame of this painting reads “Caretaker’s cottage, that used to be about where Lord Stanley’s monument is now, and was at the top of the hill after coming over to old Stanley Park causeway – in the foreground where large trees – painted by me in 1914 – usually a peacock sunned on the little lawn.”

This is a detail from one section of a 4-sheet sectional plan that shows areas that are prone to flooding. Elevation contours are included, as well as the street grid and other features.

Here’s a postcard of the Princess of Vancouver diesel ship, part of the Canadian Pacific Railway coastal fleet.

This image from the Pacific National Exhibition fonds effectively shows the force felt by riders of The Whip.

This is just a small selection of the items which have recently come into the public domain. Please note that some of these digitized images will only be available online after our system upgrade in a few weeks.
great post thankyou